Friday, May 14, 2010

Latest Creations...

Well before we started working on garage sale stuff (which is going rather well, almost all big furniture is gone) I was working on dressers for the master bedroom.  The boys have my dressers & Jamie doesn't have any.  I have way too many clothes, so a dresser is a must. 

Jamie found this Kent Coffey dresser on clean up week.  It was going to be sent to the local land fill.  I wish I had taken pictures of it before I painted because the dresser was awful looking.  There was peeling reddish brown paint that had to be sanded/scraped off.  After priming & painting it looks like this (still needs knobs):

Then a good friend gave us another small dress so I did the same thing... Sand-Prime-Paint for this end result:

Not bad for two free dressers... While I was busy painting the boys were working on their own creations.  For Mother's Day each boy decorated a cake for me at a local grocery store.  They were so proud!  The boy's figured it must be my birthday cake so they sang "Happy Birthday" many, many, many times that day.  It was very cute!

Garage Days

Have been spending every free moment preparing for a garage sale.  The house is a complete mess with boxes unpacked everywhere so we can organize & tag all the sale items.  Wish us luck!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Guy & A Truck

Jamie's been crazy busy the last few days.  He traveled East to move the remainder of his personal items, furniture, & car out of storage.  The lucky man got to make the cross country trip alone in a 16ft truck.  I think he's pretty happy to be home after living in this for the last 3 days..

The truck got unloaded into the garage.  We have been working on the mess all morning.  After removing all the kitchen & linen items it now looks like this:
That's a major improvement from last night.  Several of the items will be sold on a local classified site, the rest will find their home inside the house.  :)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Bridesmaid Dress!

After many hours of searching every store we could think of, Mae & I finally decided on a dress. We took a chance on Ebay.  I had a friend bid for me as I was too busy having a girls night out with friends (thanks Ashley for hanging at home that evening).  She got us a great deal too!  This is the Dessy 2015, which sells regular price for $130-180.  Ashley got the winning bid plus shipping for a whopping $35!  Awesome!